Grass Fed Whipped Tallow Face Balm with Frankincense Essential Oil


Handcrafted in the Okanagan with Love

Frankincense Essential Oil is known as the “King of all oils”.  It is fantastic for anti-aging and any kind of redness. If you have fine lines you want to conquer, Frankincense is your best friend. It aids in scar reduction and cell renewal. Frankincense is also an astringent and bacteria killer and is a great acne treatment.

Very little goes a long way! This can be used on your face and body. It goes on smoothly absorbs beautifully.

118ml/4oz jar
Store at room temperature.

All the Tallow Face Balms consist of only two ingredients: The grass fed, grass finished tallow and the essential oil of choice. Tallow alone, is so nourishing for our skin. It is packed full of antioxidants and vitamins A, D, E & K. Tallow is non-comedogenic, meaning it will not clog your pores. It is also almost identical to the genetic makeup of our own sebum production (the oil that our skin produces). Which makes Tallow extremely compatible with our skin!

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