Frequently Asked Questions


FAQ for Consumers

What is Modern Farmgate?

Modern Farmgate is an online marketplace that connects consumers directly with local farmers, allowing you to purchase fresh, sustainably grown products without any middlemen. A Farmer First company who is looking to create a world where we get to eat fresh local food from the farmer… Think about the consumer and the health benefits, childs lunches, when you’re feeding your baby their first apple sauce. Feeding the elderly people who aren’t getting the meals they need because they can’t cook any more. Looking for a health option but can’t afford it or those who can and want the best quality products on the market and can get the products they are looking for.

Every product on Modern Farmgate comes directly from carefully selected local farms that adhere to the best food processing and freshness standards. We ensure that the journey from farm to table is as short as possible. We also connect you with local stores that are selling farm fresh products in your areas.

Absolutely! We believe in transparency and choice. You can browse through our list of partnered farms, learn about their practices, and select your preferred source.

Once you place an order, the selected farm prepares and packages your produce. It’s then delivered straight to your doorstep or you can pick it up directly from the farmer, ensuring peak freshness.

Yes, we offer membership options that provide added benefits, discounts, and exclusive access to certain products. You can learn more about it on our membership page.

FAQ for Farmers

How can I join Modern Farmgate as a farmer?

Joining is simple. Register on our platform, provide details about your farm and products, and once approved, you can start listing your produce for consumers to purchase.

By partnering with us, you can sell directly to consumers, eliminating middlemen. This ensures you get a fair price for your produce and can build a direct relationship with your customers.

Payments are processed securely through our platform. Once a consumer makes a purchase, the amount, minus the point of sale fee, is transferred directly to your account.

Absolutely. We believe in empowering our farmers. You can set prices based on your assessment of the product’s value, ensuring you get what you deserve.

We have a rigorous vetting process for all our partner farms. We also encourage transparency, allowing consumers to learn about your farming practices, ensuring they make informed choices.

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